

Timely as I've just noticed we've reached 1 million hits on the blogger counter!

Morrckbabyhoodie CarseatAs many of you will know I don't do giveaways very often, because it has to be something I really like - so I'm very excited about this one!

Whilst many parents spend an age choosing the right car seat for their vehicle, often spending a ton of money (literally!), a lot are not aware that a snowsuit or other puffy/padded coat can compromise safety.

In a crash the coat may compress, making the straps too loose, putting the child at risk of being ejected from the seat.

A study released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) revealed that 59% of child harnesses were too loose.

It's easy to check and see whether a winter coat or snowsuit is safe! 

1. Take the car seat into the house and put the winter coat or snowsuit on the child.

2. Put the child in the car seat and buckle the harnesses as you normally would before car travel. Adjust the straps to the appropriate fit for your child.

3. Try the pinch test: Use your thumb and pointer finger to try and pinch one of the harness straps at your child’s collarbone level. If you’re able to pinch the strap, the harness is not tight enough.

4. Take the child out of the car seat without loosening the straps at all.

5. Take the coat off your child.

6. Put the child back in the car seat and buckle the harnesses again, but do not tighten the straps.

7. Try the pinch test again. If you can now pinch webbing the coat is too thick to be used safely.

Morrck have made a handy video demonstrating this:


Alternatives to thick coats:

1. Polar Fleece is warm without adding excessive padding.

2. Fasten baby into the seat and tuck a lightweight blanket followed by a heavier blanket over the top, ensuring nothing sits behind baby.

3. Blankets and car-seat covers that fasten over the top of straps are also available for baby carriers. There are options like the Morrck Hoody, a car seat poncho or the Maxi Cosi Car Seat Foot muff.

4. For older babies and toddlers, you can strap them in the seat and put their coat on backwards over their arms to keep them warm without compromising safety.

The winner will receive a Morrck Car Seat Hoody in the size of their choice: 0-6 months, 5-18 months or 18 months - 4 years.  Please see here
Wrap Sequence

Morrckbabyhoodie PramI owned and used one of these with my second baby and it was brilliant!  The harness feeds through the openings in the travel wrap and fastens over baby’s indoor clothing. The hood means no faffing about with a hat either, and it lies completely flat behind baby’s head when it’s not needed.

You can wrap them up snug when out and about, and when you get indoors, quickly and easily open it up without disturbing a potentially sleeping baby for a ten minute pit stop!
All Season Baby Hoodie
You can read more on Morrck's Facebook page here, on Pinterest here, or Twitter here

To Enter:

Share this blog post and let me know in the comments below (one entry)

"Like & share" on my Facebook page here (one entry)

Therefore maximum of two entries per person.

Good luck!


  1. Have shared the blog and did the FB thing, too :)

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  4. Have shared the blog post on twitter x

  5. Have liked and shared on Fb too :)

  6. This is fab! I shared via GFC & liked and shared on facebook as Rebecca Phillips

  7. Shared this blog post on Twitter - @bloomingfox

  8. Liked and shared on Facebook - Kirsty Fox

  9. I have shared on G+ - melanie stirling and twitter @mellysocks. I have shared the facebook post too - melanie jane stirling

  10. Hi i've tweeted it here

    this looks really good, ive never seen these before!

  11. ive also liked and shared the post on your facebook

  12. Liked and shared on Facebook

  13. Liked and shared! Thanks for doing this.

  14. Have shared on Twitter as @sparky61 and liked on Facebook as Chris Fliss. Fingers crossed this would be great for my on the way first Grandchild :-)

  15. Shared on g+

    liking and sharing on.fb as we speak

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  17. I liked your facebook page, liked and shared the post on facebook.

    When does the giveaway end and is it open world wide? Is p&p included?

    Thanks for the giveaway. I watched the demo video and the blanket looks great!

  18. Shared from here and facebook :)


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