When the lovely Emma (who helps as an admin on Facebook) rang me to share some news, I thought it would make perfect blog fodder to share with you all. Ever modest Emma wasn't sure people would want to read her story, but after a little
Whilst we see lots of journals shared by first time mums, I thought hearing from a mum of two planning her third addition might be of interest to those who already have children and perhaps are thinking about more! :D
Over to Emma:

The Armadillo is chuckling heartily at this point, because I recently rang her recently to discuss my nursing son’s fussy behaviour and tiredness. When she asked if pregnancy was a possibility, I assured her it wasn’t – because of course, I was sure it wasn’t.
Quite how I came to find out I was pregnant is another story in itself - so here’s what happened.
Given that I knew quite clearly I could conceive on my first ovulation, I was looking out for signs of egg laying (fluids, cervix position and Mittelschmerz, I wasn’t bothering with temperatures). I pride myself on being pretty switched on with this stuff; Which as they say, comes before a fall!
So I didn’t notice any signs of ovulation, and was assuming that they were still suppressed by son #2’s breastfeeding. I’d been chatting to my breastfeeding counsellor about ways to trigger ovulation, and we were aiming for a 5 hour gap within each 24 hour period as for some women this is enough to get things going.
However, given, I thought, that I may just miss that I’d ovulated, and given that I might just conceive on that first cycle, I thought I’d be very smart and be one step ahead of myself. So I ordered 20 cheapy ebay tests for about £2 so that I could take one test every 2 weeks, thus knowing for sure when I wasn’t pregnant, so I would then know how far on I was when I did get pregnant.
They duly arrived and I quickly did one, just to get a job out of the way, and nearly passed out with shock when the pink line appeared. It’s a good thing that I bought 20, as I used the next 10 straight away (well, you never know). It’s a good thing that hubby works from home so I was able to go straight up and tell him. That put a grin on his face.
So the next question is – how pregnant am I?
I’ve been really, really tired for about three weeks now and just not managing to keep up with my normal “stuff”. So, I’m guessing 7-8 weeks would be about right. I’ve obviously conceived on my first ovulation post delivery, which is great, which would make it about 13 months without periods. Good old breastfeeding.
Now to see if I’m right…
24th October
I’ve booked in with the midwife this Friday. I’ve actually moved surgeries to do so! I am a peer supporter and one group that I sometimes cover has a midwife drop-in at the same time. The midwife is really pro home birth, and a few months ago was running a big fun day at the local Children’s Centre to raise money for homebirth pools. I was very happy to be able to help, running a stand for our local NCT group. A friend made an amazing cake with a waterbirthing mum and baby on top! That went into the raffle and was very much admired including by one small boy (not mine!!) who decided to try to have a taste. It was a good day. I liked the midwife so much that I decided to find out which surgery she was at, so this afternoon saw me filling in new patient forms for me, Son #1 and Son #2 (hubby is sticking with his GP, thank you very much).
The receptionist asked me how pregnant I was and I was very embarrassed to say that I had no idea, but I guessed 7-8 weeks. Hopefully my midwife will be able to give me a better idea!
28th October
Midwife booking appointment - she was as lovely as expected and delighted to take me on as a homebirth booking. We had a good chat about my last two births and how things didn’t go as planned, and why I was so determined to home birth this time. She explained about the Trust’s obligations to provide a home birthing midwife and how to be firm on the day should it be necessary.
We discussed some of my really big concerns, such as the PPH (post partum haemorrhage) that I’d had last time and how she would handle it and was extremely reassuring. In both my last deliveries I’ve aimed for an unmanaged third stage. With Son #1 they got very jittery and scared me after an hour had passed, and persuaded me into the injection. With Son #2 they were very encouraging and supportive, and all was fine, but then I did start to lose blood which was rather worrying for everyone and I ended up very weak after birth and anaemic for some months afterwards. It was all fine, but I think a bit less messing around with me and a bit more letting me get on with it would have ensured the contractions would have racked back up more quickly and limited the blood loss.
The receptionist asked me how pregnant I was and I was very embarrassed to say that I had no idea, but I guessed 7-8 weeks. Hopefully my midwife will be able to give me a better idea!
28th October
Midwife booking appointment - she was as lovely as expected and delighted to take me on as a homebirth booking. We had a good chat about my last two births and how things didn’t go as planned, and why I was so determined to home birth this time. She explained about the Trust’s obligations to provide a home birthing midwife and how to be firm on the day should it be necessary.
We discussed some of my really big concerns, such as the PPH (post partum haemorrhage) that I’d had last time and how she would handle it and was extremely reassuring. In both my last deliveries I’ve aimed for an unmanaged third stage. With Son #1 they got very jittery and scared me after an hour had passed, and persuaded me into the injection. With Son #2 they were very encouraging and supportive, and all was fine, but then I did start to lose blood which was rather worrying for everyone and I ended up very weak after birth and anaemic for some months afterwards. It was all fine, but I think a bit less messing around with me and a bit more letting me get on with it would have ensured the contractions would have racked back up more quickly and limited the blood loss.
So after all of this, out came the pregnancy wheel and she asked me when my last period was. I don’t think that “2009” was helpful! So she then asked me if I’d any idea of my dates and I had to make a full confession: not only did I not know how pregnant I was, I’d not actually thought I was pregnant when I took the test!
Once we’d established that I for one couldn't help with dates, I popped up onto the couch and she had a rummage around.
Once we’d established that I for one couldn't help with dates, I popped up onto the couch and she had a rummage around.
Shock number two – she estimates 12-14 weeks. Aarrgghh!
Emergency scan at a private scanning clinic as the NHS can’t offer me a scan for another 2 weeks. We want the nuchal scan (Down’s Syndrome test) and if I’m really that far on then that might be too late for the nuchal. Despite been here twice before with Sons #1 and #2 it didn’t make it any easier. In a sense we didn’t really know why we were doing it because if it came up as high risk, what then? It’s not a diagnostic scan, just a screening giving a risk, not an answer. We really don’t want to have an amniocentesis with the risk of miscarriage. I think we’re both burying our heads in the sand a bit and hoping for the best.
On the other hand it all seems a bit silly, because there are so very many ways in which a baby may have problems, so why a low risk result would be reassuring I don’t know! Still, it was wonderful to see that the pink pregnancy test line had magically morphed into a cute little baby shape, complete with heartbeat and nasal bone (which apparently is a good thing on the Down’s test). Baby measures at 14 weeks! It seems to get longer every time! I have a blood test taken to get the most accurate screening results which we’ll get in a few days.
We drive home armed with lots of fuzzy piccies of a rather skeletal looking baby and memories of the sound of the heart beat, hugely happy and excited and just ever so slightly embarrassed. Or I am, at least. Hubby really can’t believe that I’m over 3 months pregnant and didn’t know. So much for me being “in tune” with my body. Much ribbing was undertaken.
3rd November
Flu jab. I’d been told in no uncertain terms that contracting flu could be quite dangerous for a pregnant lady so after some research I decided to go for it. I’ve never had one before so was hoping I wouldn’t have a reaction to it. Everyone seemed to be really pushing it at the surgery and saying that it was totally safe, etc etc, until I actually got to the nurse who did the jab who then proceeded to tell me that it was untested in pregnant women (because it’s unethical – but apparently quite ethical to just dole them out), we don’t know if it’s safe for the baby, blah blah. I made some comment about how it’s been around for a while now and we’d have heard about any significant problems to which she replied, “well we’d hope so” which didn’t fill me with confidence! I asked if my having the vaccination would pass any immunity onto Son #2 through my milk, which she didn’t know but she did then pull out all her documents to see if it was safe for lactating women (which it is, apparently. Either that, or untested!). Nice that she didn’t bat an eyelid that I am breastfeeding a toddler (who was with me causing havoc and destruction as is his norm).
4th November
UK Association for Milk Banking Trustees meeting today. We’re planning some awareness campaigns including one in May so I fessed up to the fact that I was likely to be busy on or around the 1st May. A fellow trustee with 3 children made it clear that I was totally nuts by joining the club J. Ah well, at least we know it’s not twins.
And we got the results from the nuchal scan! Excellent result – risk of 1:21,000 compared to my age-related risk of 1:175. It is a relief and yet I can’t help but wonder why. There are so many disabilities out there, so why did we put so much score on just one? And then there was the awful question of what would we do if the risk factor came back as a high risk? This is a screening test, not a diagnostic test. Would we then risk the diagnostic test with a miscarriage rate of between 1:100 and 1:200? And let’s say we did that, and it came back as positive for Downs. Then what would we do?
These questions, in one form or another, are questions that most pregnant mums or couples will need to work through, even if it’s only to decide that they’ll have no screening at all. For us, we chose to bury our head in the sand and wait for the screening results, feeling that there was no point in trying to resolve the “next step” questions unless necessary.
I feel very lucky in many ways that we have reached this point in this pregnancy without having the weeks of anticipation. I think one of the hardest things is finding people to discuss it with because of the high levels of emotions involved with all “options”. We can now close this door and move on – at least until the 20 week scan. But many people can’t, and that’s tough to think about.
I wish that a more open discussion about the euphemistic “options” was possible. I don’t think that anyone can imagine themselves being the parent of a child with a serious disability, but the idea of aborting one’s child is also abhorrent. For some it would never be an option and for others it would be the only choice. Emotions, quite rightly, run so strongly on both sides that to even think about mentioning it risks deep distress – and yet not talking about it leaves mums approaching screening in a state of confusion and worry. This is why I have written this post. I don’t have any answers but I know I’m not alone in wishing that there were some.
7th November
I took Son #2 for a cranial osteopathy session today. He goes every 4-6 months after this was recommended by Milk Matters. It seems that babies who are born with tongue tie are more prone to having cranial tension, and Son #2 had the additional problem that my waters had broken 5 days before he was born so without the cushioning effect in utero he got a bit more squashed than he might have been. He was actually a “C” shape when he was born – I called him my little comma! It took him a week or so to straighten out but there was definitely tension left in his little head. The work now, though, is to ensure that as he grows the normal tension from just living and getting bigger is released a couple of times a year. He’s got a high arch palate (related to the tongue tie) and these few things together mean that going just every so often seems to help.
Afterwards he slept for 4 hours in the afternoon, then went to bed at his normal time and slept brilliantly overnight so clearly something positive happened!
24th & 25th November
Could it get any better? I’ve just spent 2 days at UNICEF’s Baby Friendly conference in Liverpool That’s right – 2 days talking breastfeeding and child development! Absolutely fantastic. I travelled over with a friend who is a
Breastfeeding Counsellor and we stayed overnight which was a bit scary as it’s
the first time I’ve been away from Son #2 for that long. I was planning on getting the first full
night’s sleep for 2 years, only it was far more interesting chatting to my
friend! We eventually stopped nattering
at 1pm . But it was worth it.
The conference was fab.
There were some amazing speakers, perhaps most notably two speakers
discussing the ways that babies’ brains develop and how they learn to love and
have solid, positive relationships from before birth to just 6 months into
their lives. It’s a case of “use it or
lose it” with the human brain, and if they don’t receive that love and care
then it’s much harder for them to learn to give it.
Much guilt all round as each of us sat there and remembered
our not-so-positive mummy moments, but of course there are extremes in all this
and really what we are talking about is proper neglect and its life-long impact
on a person.
Most tragic was the brain scans that were shown of babies
born into a healthy, loving family and babies who were raised in those horrific
Romanian orphanages. It clearly showed
the differences between the development of the babies born into the loving
families and the virtual absence of certain areas of the brain for those who
went through the most severe neglect.
More chirpy talks came from a lady from the US who
was discussing the studies that she’s done in her hospital’s NICU into the ways
that a mother’s own breastmilk makes a highly significant difference to the
outcome of a premature baby compared to babies fed artificial milks. She went into the science of how this works,
from colostrum to mature milk, and how formula disrupts this process. She works in an area with dreadfully low
breastfeeding rates and they have achieved an initiation rate of 95% which is
incredible! They have paid peer
supporters – including a fella – who work with the parents to talk through
their mutual experiences and to encourage them to see their milk as medicine
for their precious babies. They do
weekly discussion and support groups where they introduce specific topics so
parents can not only go through things that are concerning them, but they’re
learning about the science as well.
Sadly the rates of breastfeeding after the babies are well
enough to leave the hospital aren’t so good due to the cultural pressures put
onto these women. However many of them
leave with months of expressed milk so their babies can at least continue to be
fed breast milk for quite some time.
One disappointing talk was by one of the founders of the
website “Mumsnet”. The topic was “What
Mothers are Talking About” but a great deal of time was spent talking about
Mumsnet as a company, and very few slides were dedicated to actual discussions
from the site. This was a shame as I
feel that Mumsnet discussions are a great way for Health Care Professionals to
see what’s being said from “the other side”.
She greatly emphasised Mumsnet’s support of the Nestle Boycott and their
decision not to allow formula advertising but at the end of the talk she was
asked why in that case their logo featured a woman holding a baby’s
bottle. She replied that it was filled
with expressed milk which, to say the least, was not well received as an
It was very exciting to meet two fabulous people at the conference – Mike Brady of Baby Milk Action and Gabrielle Palmer, author of the wonderful “The Politics of Breastfeeding” and the essential “ComplimentaryFeeding”.
On a personal note, I’d taken my pump with me in case I
needed it, only I found I’d missed a critical part. I’ve never been good at hand expressing so
was a bit concerned, but in fact I was fine and didn't get too full. By the time I got home late on the Friday
night I was definitely ready to feed him, but he was also very happy to me
my boobs so all was well! Apparently
he’d been signing “milk” at nursery in a rather sad way all day, but otherwise
had been fine. I was glad to be back
together with him, his brother and my lovely husband though. Getting a break was great, and coming back
was even better!
One final note to the conference, I did see a few people
there who have helped me on my breastfeeding journey with son #2 and I did
wonder how many people go to a conference and see 4 different people who have
seen their boobs!
7TH December
We’ve had a tough few days and I’m exhausted. Son #2 has been unwell following the over
consumption of oak milk (if allowed to he will drink gallons of it and he did a
play-off between hubby and me where neither of us realised we were both filling
up his cup”).
Following my night away at the conference we decided that
we were going to have another go at night weaning him. He’s 18 months and clearly doesn’t need the
food, as he usually just has a quick suckle and he’s sleeping again. Problem is that I’m getting pretty tired even
though I’m only halfway through this pregnancy, and I’d like to see if him not
getting a boob will encourage him to not bother looking for it if he wakes, and
go back off on his own.
We’ve tried it before and he’s got upset so we’ve just let
it go (neither of us being really bothered about it) and this time it seemed to
be working well. We had a cup of water
for him in case he was thirsty and he did sometimes have a sip of that and
settled straight back to sleep.
But, it’s all gone pear shaped since he’s been unwell, even
though it was only one night of a poorly tummy.
Since then he’s been not only waking frequently from about midnight onwards but absolutely
refusing to sleep again (even when given a boob) and I’m on my knees right now.
On a positive note I’m feeling lovely baby movements which
I am really enjoying. S/he’s doing
little rolls and some quite solid kicks from time to time, and my favourite
me-and-baby time is when I’ve just snuggled into bed next to a sleeping son #2
(hubby is currently consigned to the spare room with his snorey-coldey head)
and I lie there in the darkness just tuning into my baby’s play. I am so loving being pregnant and with this
being the last time (or at least the last planned time!) I want to try to make
the most of it.
I’m looking forward to a call from our region’s Independent
Midwife tonight. Hubby and I have
decided that we are really nervous about trusting our homebirth to the
NHS. While our midwife is passionately
supportive of homebirth, and the region is very good at providing good
homebirth cover there have also been instances of women being told to come into
hospital as there’s not enough cover.
While I know that I can fight this when the time comes, I feel that
fighting’s not the best thing to be doing while in labour.
12th December
20 week scan! It’s a
bit scary going to these scans when the point of them is to check on the health
of the baby, and I’m always a bit nervous about what they might find. Of course at the same time it’s just so
exciting to have the chance to see him or her!
Sneak previews are ace.
I made it very clear that “we” didn’t want to know the sex when we went into the scanning room, but then had to clarify that it was actually that I didn’t want to – poor hubby rather did! But he went with it anyway, and didn’t look until she’d finished doing all the important checking of everything stuff and was able to give us a peek while keeping away from sensitive areas… We got a beautiful photo where the little face is really clear. All seems well from what they can tell, and the placenta is in a good location, so that’s all for now.
I was annoyed, though, to see a banner in the entrance which stated “it is dangerous for your baby to sleep in your bed…” especially given that the hospital is working towards Baby Friendly status, and this is absolutely not the guidance that they’re supposed to give. They can say that the safest place for a baby to sleep is in a cot (etc) your room for the first 6 months but not that it is dangerous to bed share. In fact, the evidence shows that safe bed-sharing by non-smoking parents who have not taken drugs or alcohol, and with a safe set-up of the bed, can protect against SIDS and it certainly helps to maintain breastfeeding which itself has a protective effect.
I’ve emailed UNICEF/BFI about it. Will be interesting to see what they think.
13th December
I made it very clear that “we” didn’t want to know the sex when we went into the scanning room, but then had to clarify that it was actually that I didn’t want to – poor hubby rather did! But he went with it anyway, and didn’t look until she’d finished doing all the important checking of everything stuff and was able to give us a peek while keeping away from sensitive areas… We got a beautiful photo where the little face is really clear. All seems well from what they can tell, and the placenta is in a good location, so that’s all for now.
I was annoyed, though, to see a banner in the entrance which stated “it is dangerous for your baby to sleep in your bed…” especially given that the hospital is working towards Baby Friendly status, and this is absolutely not the guidance that they’re supposed to give. They can say that the safest place for a baby to sleep is in a cot (etc) your room for the first 6 months but not that it is dangerous to bed share. In fact, the evidence shows that safe bed-sharing by non-smoking parents who have not taken drugs or alcohol, and with a safe set-up of the bed, can protect against SIDS and it certainly helps to maintain breastfeeding which itself has a protective effect.
I’ve emailed UNICEF/BFI about it. Will be interesting to see what they think.
13th December
Nights are improving!
Son #2 is taking to night weaning really well again. He’s sometimes sleeping longer, too, but even
when he wakes there’s no crying at all.
He will drop straight off again with a pat and a back rub – in fact
probably quicker than on the boob really!
Feeling so much better about life.
19th December
It’s funny, I just don’t seem to have been focusing on this
baby as much as I’d like to. With my
other babies I spent a lot more time thinking about them and preparing for
them. It’s partly because it’s not such
a novelty, now, being pregnant, and partly because life is so busy with a
toddler and young child!
So I’m really making an effort to connect with the smallest one at least every morning and evening. I spend time listening in to what s/he’s got to say, to his or her little wriggles and kicks, and thinking about how life will be when s/he arrives. It’s lovely J
21st December
Breastfeeding is much more comfortable now, although I’m
still getting discomfort on one side so I’m going to see someone about it in
the New Year. I think it’s an attachment
issue but if not I want to get to the bottom of it before this one
arrives. I’m terrified of going through
the pain and agony that we did with his undiagnosed tongue tie. My milk supply is dramatically reduced by the
pregnancy but he’s still loving his boobies.
He’s clearly not getting much from me and he comes off pretty quickly,
but he’s asking maybe 4-5 times a day. I
don’t always say yes but sometimes it’s nice to have the excuse to stop and sit
down for a few minutes! I’m not worried
about accidentally weaning him by not always letting him feed when he asks (a
la “Never Offer, Never Refuse” method) as he seems enthusiastic enough and if
he does slow down his asking I will begin to offer more. We still have our lovely, snugly, early
morning snooze feed and he usually feeds to sleep.
I need to get together with some tandem feeders to work out
positions for tandem feeding because he generally feeds in a cradle position,
which will get in the way of the smallest.
Another job for the New Year!
so how many weeks are you?!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! :) My first two are 18 months apart, with pregnancy achieved with the first ovulation. It was a surprise, to say the least.
ReplyDeleteYou have encouraged me to take a pregnancy test, actually, b/c my youngest is 18 months old and I haven't had a period yet! I, too, have been looking out for signs of ovulation, but they might have passed me by as well.
Good luck to you!
Lovely reading this! I still feel like a wally asking my doctor about xraying my pelvis to see if I can vbac and him asking if we are ttc and me answering rather sheepishly soon. I will keep up on your story Emma!x
ReplyDeleteHi! How is the best way to get in touch with you please? Emma x
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen this before but loved reading it, thannks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteFab sex/labour analogy, will be stealing that ;)
If you have time and there are any near you, I can thoroughly recommend Lazy Daisy antenatal classes - some hypnobirthing elements but also movements for birth, breathing techniques, active birth education etc.
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ReplyDeleteIs the rest of this story somewhere here?